The Global Monument
The Global Monument Project is the crown jewel of the USPP. To truly solve Climate Change, it will take more than innovative technology and supply chain overhauling. Working side by side to build a monument has been a primary society building tool for human beings throughout the last 6,000 years of civilization. We haven't built anything as a society for a while and our collective dissociation is the principle cause of our Climate issues. The Global Monument Project affords Citizens from around the world the opportunity to come together and practice the lost art of stewarding our life on this Planet.
The World's first Global Monument
The Pyramid Complex depicts the Solar System & mimics an Eclipse at each Solstice
Building Pyramids Builds Stronger Societies
It is crazy to think that we would know very little about civilizations that existed thousands of years ago had they not constructed massive monuments. It is even crazier to think that a few thousand years from now, proof of our own civilization might not exist. Pyramid structures are a testament to an advanced civilization's existence and a worthy endeavor for any society to pursue. Pyramid building projects in the past employed off-season agricultural workers, promoted tourism, were sustainable and taught their builders a multitude of critical skill sets. Most importantly, constructing a Pyramid creates a common cause and promotes unity among the people who build it. The USPP has a goal of constructing a pyramid complex monument in honor of our accomplishments as a civilization and to demonstrate our advanced aspirations. The complex will contain 3.14 million stones and be constructed by 3.14 million participants from all over the world, making our monument a truly global one.