Restoring the
Ozone Layer
The Ozone is a largely overlooked component of Climate Change. The Ozone Layer controls how much energy passes from the Sun to the EARTH's surface. Over the past 150 years, we have emitted Ozone depleting chemicals into the atmosphere and as a result, the Ozone has permitted more heat from the Sun onto the Planet than it historically has. Restoring the Ozone layer is the easiest way to cool the Planet and the easiest way to do that is to generate lighting. By design, lightning is a byproduct of the EARTH System and part of our comprehensive strategy to solve Climate Change.
The USPP has a plan to solve the Global Freshwater Crisis by 2050
The ozone layer is a part of the atmosphere (the stratosphere) where ozone gets trapped. This trapped ozone forms a solar radiation shield around the Earth. Chemicals emitted since the Industrial Revolution have caused a depletion in the ozone layer. The consequences of this include increased radiation, crop failure(s), early death of carbon-based lifeforms, and increased global temperatures. Lightning is one of the few ways that ozone is created and generating lightning is one of the simplest ways to restore the ozone layer. One by-product of the EARTH System is freshwater evaporation; the very thing that creates lightning. When we take in ocean water to desalinate, only about 20% of that water is converted to fresh water. The remaining ocean water is piped to evaporation beds where nearly 95% of it will evaporate into the atmosphere as freshwater. The water gets absorbed as humidity and the friction of this process produces lighting. As more EARTH Systems are installed around the planet, more ozone-creating lightning will occur; restoring the ozone layer and lowering the planet’s overall temperature.